"Trick Or Treat" This is the main activity of most children and teens in the United States on Halloween night. "Trick" means: fool, mischievous mischievous game: "Treat" is welcoming, kind and entertaining. Children and teenagers, dressed up as ghostly costumes and masks, then took lanterns from house to house in the neighborhood, knocking on the door and saying "trick or treat." This sentence means : "If you want us not to play bad, then treat us to something." Usually neighbors always want to avoid "trick" which means playing tricks so they often treat them with candy and fruit (it is customary to have money inside).
Horror Halloween is my Christmas shirt 
Horror Halloween All Monsters Are Human shirt 
Chuckie Finster and Chucky Halloween shirt 
Jack Daniel’s old time Skellington shirt 
I am a Friends a holic shirt 
Fast and Furious The Legend The Brothers The Family shirt 
22 years of South Park 1997 2019 thank you shirt 
13 REASON WHY the only way to learn the secret is to press play shirt 
12 Andrew Luck 7 seasons thank you shirt 
3 from Hell A Rob Zombie Film shirt 
Source: Uglyxmastshirt.com
Source: Uglyxmastshirt.com
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