Source: Daddy I love you 3000 times t-shirt
Add paragraph Steve weilding Mjolnir was definitely the highlight of Endgame. Never seen any theatre crowd erupt as much they did in mine. Even, Thor's rampage in Wakanda felt like 10 yrs ago in front of his 'I knew it' and what followed. But let's be honest. This was coming .. since Age of Ultron when Steve moved Mjolnir a little while Thor went aghast for a moment. It was just a matter of not will-it-happen but when-will-it-happen. I am glad they chose the right moment to show it.
Daddy I love you 3000 times guys tee, tank top, v-neck t-shirt
Natasha sacrificing herself was definitely shocking but we knew one of Hawkeye or her will have to go when both went to Vormir. There is no way around getting the soul stone, unfortunately. But this too seemed complete. Consider this, Hawkeye went on a killing spree to avenge his family was more about him consoling himself in a crusader way that he wasn't able to save them.

Natasha on the other hand, though didn't had any direct kinship in the MCU but the ones who she considered very close and I am sure the feelings were mutual, were dusted in front of her and she couldn't do anything to stop that. On top of that, she had a chance when the Avengers had a run in with Thanos but they failed. That definitely hurts more and was evident in her character's arc at the start of Endgame. So it made sense that she would go to any length to undo the snap - whatever it took.
See more: Avengers Endgame I love you 3000 times shirt